Mon Naturals
100% Himalayan Shilajit Soft Resin
100% Himalayan Shilajit Soft Resin
Pris rheolaidd
Pris rheolaidd
Pris gwerthu
Pris uned
Our Himalayan Shilajit Soft Resin is a natural substance known for its incredible health benefits. Sourced from the Himalayan mountains, it's a blackish-brownish resin rich in minerals, nutrients, and biologically active organic substances that your body can easily assimilate. What makes our Shilajit unique is its origin - hand-harvested by indigenous farming families without any middleman. We ensure the highest quality by lab-testing for purity, heavy metal levels, and mineral levels such as magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. This natural wonder is sourced from the Great Himalayan Ranges at an altitude of 16,000-18,000 feet above sea level and traditionally purified using the ancient Shodhana technique, producing 100% ultra-pure resin using only Triphala in natural spring water and sunlight.
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