Mon Naturals
Vegan Organic Turkey Tail 60 Capsules
Vegan Organic Turkey Tail 60 Capsules
Turkey tail mushroom is a medicinal mushroom that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Here are some of the potential health benefits of turkey tail mushroom, based on science:
Boosted Immunity: Turkey tail mushroom contains a variety of antioxidants that help boost the immune system and protect against oxidative stress 12.
Improved Gut Health: Turkey tail mushroom has been shown to improve gut bacteria balance and reduce inflammation in the gut 1.
Reduced Inflammation: Turkey tail mushroom has anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce inflammation in the body 2.
May Help Fight Cancer: Turkey tail mushroom contains polysaccharopeptides, which have been shown to have anti-cancer properties in test-tube and animal studies 2.
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